Wednesday, March 16, 2011


FRESH START TODAY…  What is on Your Mind today?

Our mind is the fastest and most unique computer that has ever been created!  Some people remember everybody’s birthday in their families and friends.  Have you ever noticed that some people will repeat an offense to you over and over again?  I have had people tell me about an offense repeatedly, because they really do not know how to let it go. If you were to say, “Let it Go” to the person it may just paralyze the mind and they may withdraw from the conversation.  Pray that the peace and words of the Holy Spirit reach the heart of the person to help them find resolution.  Our job is not to fix a person, but just to listen at times. The Holy Spirit may give you the words of wisdom that could help lift the burden that they are carrying when it is given in genuine love. Jesus wants to carry it for them.

What you place in your mind is your choice, but do those thoughts lift you up or keep you in bondage?  People talk negatively to their selves and it is not good.  I know that it has not been good for me.  My suggestion is that you refer back to Philippians 4:8.   Do you worry?  Jesus gave us an answer that is found in the book of Matthew.

Matt 6:25-27,  "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? NIV

All right, here are my thoughts for today!  I remember when I was a little girl I worried about dad living long enough for me to grow up, because I felt safe when he was around.  You may ask, “Why”?  He was 54 years old when I was born.  Do you understand now?  He was the shining light in my world as a child, but not so much to my older siblings.  He was a different dad to them, I have learned, getting closer to them, as we all have grown older.  There are many years that span our ages.  My oldest brother was 26 years older and another brother is 4 years younger than I am.  All this to say is that being in the arms of my dad brought me peace and security.  I knew that I would have food to eat, a home to live in and a warm bed to sleep in at night.  I did not have to pay for any of these luxuries, either.  I trusted in the love that I received from both my mom and dad.  I know that some of you may not have had a positive life, but today you can have a fresh start.  Come into the world of the most loving family there is and that is the family of God.  Make a choice today to accept the love and security of a Heavenly Father that loves you today!  Place in your mind the words that are spoken through His love letters to you that are found in the Bible.  Jesus is the God-man that understands your worries, your bondage and your rebellion.  He has said to come to Him!  You can begin to renew your mind by surrendering to the truth of God’s words.  Do not conform to this world any longer, but be transformed into a new person in the arms of Jesus. (Romans 12:2)  To renew your mind takes time, but it can happen.  You just need to start to re-program this great computer by inputting the correct data.

My pray is that the Lord Jesus Christ gives you His peace and His freedom that releases you from bondage.  The Cross of Jesus does that for you as you surrender in faith to His powerful message of passion that He has for you.

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