Tuesday, May 24, 2011


FRESH START TODAY… The fullness of Christ!

Colossians 2:8-11, See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority. NIV

This is week 15 of the FRESH START Series and next week will end the study. I have enjoyed reflecting on these Scriptures in hopes to change my human thinking. The Bible is full of encouragement! We all go through school learning math, history, social studies, science, biology, music, chemistry, English, and math. We learn to read in elementary school and are required to read books. We learn colors and the alphabet, but are we taught how to get along with our neighbors?

I remember a lesson learned when I was in 4th grade that changed my life forever regarding accepting others that may be different. The Principal came into the classroom to speak with all the students about a young man that would be coming into the class within a few days. He was different on the outside, but was not different on the inside. He had a severe physical handicap, but she encouraged us to get to know him. (Some of you reading this blog may have been in that classroom with me that day.) She asked us to treat him like any other classmate. I listened with great interest, because I had just had major surgery the summer before and had been different at one time. I got to know Gary and he became a good friend. He gave me a desire to get to know other children that were different and they have blessed my life. Do we teach children today to accept others that are different in the public school system?

We who are believers take on the fullness of Jesus Christ and He accepts all people. Why are we prejudice? Why are we judgmental? Why are we cruel? Why do we not accept people who are weaker? Why do we reject a person when they make mistakes? I have to ask myself these questions, because I am a human just like you. We tend to stereotype people of a different race. Human tradition is not always bad, but it is better to take on the attitude and mind of Jesus Christ! He is the head over every power and authority.

Henry Blackaby stated that the moment we accept the truth about Jesus Christ and are filled with the Holy Spirit we have the fullness and power of the God living in our hearts. We begin to learn as we take our journey through our individual lives by reading God’s Word. New believers sometimes watch those who have been believers longer than we have been. That can be good and it can sometimes be deceiving due to our sin nature that shows its ugly head. We are to be a reflected light of the one that is perfect and allow the power of the living God to have His way through our life. The closer we grow to know the Lord the more we learn to surrender to the gentleness that is revealed for us to follow. I already have spoken about letting the gentleness of God’s Spirit guide our hearts and minds. How do we do this? We can genuinely pray for our hearts to be changed! God sometimes does the changing through the avenue of trials that we experience that will open our eyes. An example is when a doctor becomes a patient, or the lawyer is accused of a crime, or a teacher needs to be taught, or a physical therapist needs personal treatment due to an injury. I believe that you get the picture. My husband has said to me recently that if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. Let us all take on a positive attitude and become part of the solution with the power of God’s truth and wisdom.

May the Lord bless you as your read this week’s Scripture and my prayer is that the Holy Spirit will give you His Wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. my first post on a blog. Really lovely Lenni. Thank you for an uplifting read.
