Friday, May 6, 2011


FRESH START TODAY … Think about what has been given to you!

I have decided to read the Bible through again, because I am sure that I have missed some wisdom I have not yet understood. The Wisdom of God is like trying to drink from a fire hose on full blast where it could blow your head off. I am thankful that the Holy Spirit of God shuts the fire hose down to a trickle so we can drink from His Wisdom! To fresh start each day is my new motto. This study reminds me that we can have a new beginning every day. My son-in-law gave me a Chronological Bible that is written in the NIV translation, but you read the Scriptures as they happened in time. The reading I just finished was the book of “Job”. Job was a righteous man of great faith, but God allowed him to be “sifted” by the devil. He lost everything to include his wealth and his children. Job had some well-meaning counselor “friends” that continued to tell him to repent of all his sins. Some of their counsel seemed righteous, but they did not see the bigger picture of what was really happening to Job. Job expressed himself frequently that he had done nothing wrong, so why all the tragedy in his life? Then God finally spoke… This is where these Scriptures get interesting to me. We begin to witness the Creator’s perspective and this begins with verses starting in Job 38:1. He begins with questions like “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me if you understand.” (NIV Job 38:4) Then Job was given more than he had before due to his righteousness before the one true God that loved him. Job never cursed God for his tragedies.

I have read these powerful Scriptures before, but this time it gives me reason to rejoice! He created the seas, the clouds that give rain to the earth where no man has lived, the morning stars, He sees what is in the deepest of the oceans, He knows the center of the earth, He brings forth lighting bolts from the sky, He scattered the snow and hail as He commanded, He directs the path of thunderstorms, He brings forth the constellations in their seasons and His words go on an on! What reached out and grabbed me was in verse 38:36, “Who endowed the heart with wisdom or gave understanding to the mind?”

I count it an honor to have even a small amount of wisdom that God has given me. I can easily begin my prayers with joy as I am reminded to thank Him for all He created for my enjoyment. We take for granted the wonder of the perfect balance our God put in place by just His spoken words. We do not realize that He could speak it out of existence if He so chooses. His love for humanity made Him choose not to destroy the earth again, but the God the Father sent the Savior Jesus Christ to save us from ourselves and created a narrow path for us to follow to once again have fellowship with a Holy God. I rejoice in the Lord!

Can you close your eyes right now with me in prayer to thank God for the sun that heats the earth, the night that springs forth the diamond like stars in the sky? Can you thank Him for new life that He creates every day, the eagles that soar in the sky, the bunny rabbits that twitch their noses for our amusement and the kittens that cuddle in our laps? The loved ones that say “I love you” everyday are a gift from God! You may not hear the words every day, but you are loved.

Phil 4:4-7, Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. NIV

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