Tuesday, May 10, 2011


FRESH START TODAY… Set your hearts on things above…

Col 3:1-4, Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. NIV

This study of FRESH START TODAY has been attempting to teach you and me to let go and let God. The Holy Spirit has been directing us to change our mind to surrendering to the mind of Jesus Christ. The Scripture this week continues this thought by telling believers to set our hearts on things above. The Lord God gave Moses the commandments not to place His people in bondage, but to deliver them from the bondages they had placed themselves in through years of rebellion. The people still had difficulty in keeping the commandments that would protect them individually and their neighbors, so through the avenue of time Jesus Christ was born to teach people the spiritual truth of those commandments. If we were to look at the commandments of God as a list of “don’ts” only, we have missed the true messages. God loved His people and wanted the best of what He could give them and they just did not understand. The understanding comes only through a personal relationship with God. Moses had that personal relationship and he moved forward in obedience with a life full of blessings knowing the God that created the world. His strength and wisdom came from the presence of God in His life. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives believers today a direct path to having a personal relationship with the Trinity that is present in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We communicate through prayer and Jesus Christ who is seated at the right hand of God intercedes for us to God the Father. Jesus was the only righteous human being that ever lived and God the Father sees us as righteous due to our faith in His Son. Jesus Christ has become the permanent curtain of righteousness and who became sin for us on the Cross of Calvary. Jesus Christ is our shield and we will appear with Him in glory!

My words are not new to many believers who have heard this message. We have difficulty is applying the truth of what Jesus Christ has given us through His obedience. His passionate heart saw you and me through time. He loved us and continues to love us. We cannot earn His love by any works we may accomplish during our lifetime. We are obedient because we have learned to trust and love Him. The Holy Spirit teaches us how to love as God first loved us. Our lives, as believers, are hidden with Christ in God. What a blessing to have accepted this truth and moved on to set our hearts on things above. Though we live today we have been raised with Jesus Christ.

The earthly things that we once set our minds on should no longer interest us as believers, so why do we allow them to control our thinking anymore? The mindset of the world keeps us in bondage. Things like people telling us “we cannot do this” or “you will never amount to anything”, or “just look out for number one”, or “if it feels good then you can do it”. The world teaches us to be selfish, but that is a common mindset that we have as sinners. We need mind changing solutions and the roadmap of Wisdom that comes from reading the Bible daily. I encourage starting fresh today to set your hearts on things above. You will be blessed.

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