Monday, February 27, 2012


FRESH START TODAY – Trust the Heart of the Father.. Monday, February 27, 2012

Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. NKJV

Here is the human in me speaking. Have I really trusted the Lord with everything that I want, what I may face or the future? My friends, I am not a super spiritual believer in Christ, but I am just as human as the rest of humanity. I struggle daily to be what the Lord wants me to be or to say. I have grown to understand that the Holy Spirit that lives in me is the power that gives me God’s wisdom to be able to write these devotionals. My desire is to encourage your walk with the Lord and to assist you to seek Him for wisdom. Jesus Christ is our way to having a relationship with the Father. We need to learn to trust the heart of the loving Father.

I heard a great illustration on fear recently. When we were children we may have had a parent that wanted to teach us how to swim. We may have stood on the edge of a swimming pool seeing this parent standing in the water encouraging us to jump. Oh, the things that may go through our heads! “What if they do not catch me, or what if I slip, or what if the water is cold, or what if my head goes under the water, or what if I cannot touch the bottom.” Do you get the picture? We seem to have trouble trusting a loving parent, so what is the difference in our trusting a loving Holy Father. We have trouble taking the leap! The Father is the one that will catch us. Do you have a decision to make, or have a worry, or have financial problems, or have an illness, or have a problem forgiving someone? The Holy Father says trust Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Jump! Trust His heart!

The activity of God was seen early in our family’s walk with Him when my husband and I were living in California. Our children’s birthdays are two weeks apart and close to the Thanksgiving Holiday. I had just started a temporary job and my first paycheck would be received just in time to pay for the big birthday party for my children that I had planned. I had ordered the birthday cake and we would be going shopping for our home cooked Thanksgiving dinner. I was excited, but something happened that I never expected. The entire office received their paychecks, but not me. My information had not been turned in, in time to get my check, but I was told that I would receive a double paycheck within two weeks. I went back to my desk deflated asking myself, “What am I going to do now?” It was the day before Thanksgiving and the children’s birthday party was on Saturday. I did not say anything to anyone, but went back to work. I called my husband and told him. He asked, “Where is God when we needed Him?” I did not know what to say. I had taken a sandwich to work and went into the employee lunchroom during my break, but no one was in there. I sat alone for lunch.

At the end of the day I went to get my coat to leave. When I came back to my desk to get my purse I found an envelope with my name on it. Inside was $80.00 cash and the scripture from Romans 8:28. I looked around to see if I could thank someone and everybody had left for the day. I walked out to my car and it was stuffed full of groceries that included a 25 lb turkey. I could not drive yet, because I started crying uncontrollably. I thanked God for being our provider. His arms were opened wide asking me to jump! This seemed like a time when someone came up behind me and pushed me into the water and my Father caught me. Needless to say, my husband and I grew in our faith that day. In our all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our path. My prayer is that the Lord blesses you today.

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